Dynamic orthosis (brace) for treating achilles tendon injury

Dixie presented to Dr. Mich after spraining her achilles tendon of the left hind limb.  She had been seen by a local surgeon, Dr. Preston Stubbs, with whom Dr. Mich had worked in the past on similar cases.  Not all achilles tendon injuries require surgery and Dixie’s injury fell into that category and so she was referred to Dr. Mich.

See the information page about achilles tendon injury for more about this condition. 

Dr. Mich evaluated Dixie thoroughly and determined Dixie was a good candidate for a dynamic orthosis + PRP (platelet rich plasma) injection for treatment.  A mold was taken of the limb and a specific design by prescription was developed.  From this a plaster model is created with the precise design parameters from prescription.  The device is vacuum formed over this model and constructed by hand.

Dr. Mich fitted Dixie with her new device and performed customization onsite in her mobile V-OP lab.

Additionally, PRP was injected into the tendon to augment healing.  Dixie and her owner worked diligently through the healing process using the dynamic device for 4 months. Every few weeks the device was adjusted as Dixie’s tendon healed. 

An email update from Fall 2021: 

Thanks again for fixing my girl, Dixie. Your skill and knowledge returned her to the hunting field at 100%.

Dixie was first examined for the injury to her Achilles in April 2020. She was in the tarsal orthosis until September. After the orthosis was removed I started conditioning her for hunting. Her first hunt was in October in Montana. She was sound then and remains sound to this day. I can barely see a difference in the appearance of her left tarsus. When we hunt it is not unusual for the dogs to run 20 to 25 miles in a day. Dixie is 11 years old this season and is hunting as well as she ever did. These dogs are truly amazing.

Thanks again for your help.

Dr. Ladd Squires


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